Privacy Policy

Our firm takes the issue of privacy very seriously. We are dedicated to protecting the privacy of our users by taking all possible measures to protect their personally identifiable information.

This website is intended to provide general information about our law firm and the services that we offer. The information on this website is not intended as legal advice of any kind. By accessing or using this website you agree to the following Terms of Use as well as our Privacy Policy


When you visit our site, our server records certain information about you including: the date and time you visited our site, which pages you viewed or downloaded, the IP address of your computer, the operating system of your computer, and how you came to our site. This information collected is necessary to the proper maintenance and operation of our site and server.

We use IP addresses to analyze and administer the site, track user's movements on the site, and gather broad demographic information for statistical analysis. We may also use cookies, web beacons and other devices.


We use cookies to collect and store data, and we use Google Analytics to understand and track among other things, who visits our site, your location, your language preference, your demographics, which pages are viewsd by you, and the duration of your visit. You can learn more about this by viewing the article How Google uses data when you use our partners' sites or apps, (located at


Since our site is hosted by a third party some information of a similar nature may be collected by our hosting provider on their servers. For further information please consult their privacy policy.


Email communications are not encrypted, may be subject to lawful and unlawful interception. If you email us, or provide us with your email, you consent to the transmission of data, including confidential information, and assume all risks in the event that an email is compromised or misdirected.

Further, you consent to us retaining copies of all email communications between us, including the maintenance of an email contact list. In addition, because our email communications are handled by servers operated by our web host,, you consent that copies of all email communications may be retained on their servers.